The 2025 Andrew Dunn Walk/Run is cancelled.

After much deliberation and thoughtful consideration our leadership team has decided it is time to make a change. We will not be holding the Walk/Run this year.

Why this change?

The Walk/Run's goal was to promote mental health and suicide awareness, and to reduce the stigma around it. Our first Walk/Run was held on Mother's Day in May of 2007.We grew to over 1500 participants. Now, 18 years later, we believe we have reached a goal post. The finish line continues to be out there and by virtue of us continuing the foundation, that work will carry on with your help. Much has been done by our organization, and many others, to reduce the stigma surrounding mental health struggles and suicide. Eighteen years ago, people who died by suicide were thought of as having ‘committed suicide’, judging it as a crime, rather than a compassionate approach. Families often suffered in silence. People did not know what to say. Now, 18 years later, it is OK to share our feelings. We have come a long way.

Where do we go from here?

We are actively looking into the future -- how we can continue to make a difference. We are looking at taking on new challenges. We welcome your input in the future. Please check out our website often to keep in touch with us, or even to join us in new challenges going forward.

The Andrew Dunn Foundation will still be a functioning foundation as long as we can bring in sufficient funds in other ways and with your continued support, as you have given in the past!  We will continue to fund scholarships and many other mental health initiatives. Last year we funded over $20,000 worth of projects and scholarships/bursaries.

We will gratefully accept donations to help us help others (tax receipts available for donations of $20 or more).

As we have in the past, we will continue to acknowledge our wonderful donors and sponsors on our web site and in other ways. We hope that you will continue to support us.

We are so grateful …

to all who have helped over the years, including our many wonderful volunteers and partners, the fantastic event participants and teams!  We cannot express our gratitude to our amazing, generous and loyal sponsors and donors! THANK YOU. Without all of you, we could not have gotten to this point and helped so very many. You number in the thousands!

Thanks so much! The leadership team of the Andrew Dunn Foundation, Inc.